What small businesses can learn from LEGO’s marketing

LEGO marks its 90 year anniversary this year, with a range of celebrations, products and plans for this month. But what can you learn from them that relates to marketing your small business?

1. Their campaign communication is very clearly focusing on their mission and vision - family values and that play isn't just for kids. What is your why? This is WHY you need one.

2. They back up their mission and vision with stats: 'Playing together makes the whole family happier, builds stronger family bonds and improves their wellbeing according to 95% of parents. Over 4 in 5 parents (85%) called out LEGO play specifically, saying their families are happier when they play with LEGO bricks.' What stats are there out there that back up why people need what you do/sell?

3. Their mission and vision are important to their target customer. Why does your client/customer care?

4. They aren't just launching special 90 year (no doubt) limited edition products - they have a plethora of free activities too. LEGO Con (free online event), LEGO challenges for all of the family using bricks you already own, a quiz to find out what brick are you etc. These not only provide people with free ways to be involved in the fun, but these repeated interactions with the celebrations also ensure they are front of mind when thinking about making a play or gift purchase. What do you do that doesn't involve a purchase that keeps you front of mind? Or to experience your product or service risk-free?

5. The new products are 'retro' products which therefore build the nostalgia feeling - feelings = purchases. What feelings do you tap into in your marketing?

6. The full lineup of products has not yet been revealed - scarcity / FOMO = purchases. Do you regularly do a launch? Or a waiting list? Or launch new things?

👉 Whilst we might not have the budget of the big companies - like LEGO, we can look to them for inspiration on how to do it well and then reflect that in our own businesses.

⚡️If you would like psychology-driven marketing strategy or support then get in touch to find out how we can build your business marketing (brick by brick)!! (Sorry we couldn't help it).


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